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Peer Reviewed Publications

Mehra R, Alspaugh A, Franck L, McLemore M, Dunn JT, Kershaw T, Intersectional experiences of Black pregnant women on the job, looking for work, and navigating leave.  BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2023.


Dunn JT, Lesyna-Mlaponi K, and Zaret A, The Role of Human Rights Litigation in Improving Access to Reproductive Health Care and Achieving Reductions in Maternal Mortality, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2017. [Link to Article].


Barger M, Dunn JT, Bearman S, Delain M, and Gates E, A Survey of Access to Trial of Labor in California Hospitals in 2012, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2013; 13:83. [Link to Article].

Law Review and Books

Dunn JT and Parham L, After the Choice: Challenging California’s Physician-Only Abortion Restriction Under the State Constitution, 61 UCLA L. REV. DISC. 22 (2013). [Link to Article].


Dunn JT, Mraz J, Schultz EC, Drey EA, Meckstroth KR, Abortion in California:  A Medical-Legal Handbook. 2012. [Link].


Schirmer JT, Note, Physician Assistant as Abortion Provider:  Lessons from New York, Montana and Vermont, 49 Hastings L. J. 253 (1997). [Link to Article].

Essays and Commentary

Jennifer Templeton Dunn, A Reflection on the Passage of Proposition 8, CALIFORNIA WOMEN LAWYERS QUARTERLY (Winter 2009).

Maya Manian and Jennifer Templeton Dunn, Gonzales v. Carhart:  A Threat to Women’s Health and Reproductive Freedom, CALIFORNIA WOMEN LAWYERS QUARTERLY (Summer 2007).


Jennifer Templeton Dunn and Rachel Bravo, The Reality v. the Law:  Abortion Access in California, CALIFORNIA WOMEN LAWYERS QUARTERLY (Fall 2007).

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